Easily Mapping Customer Locations

Occasionally, I need a map. I’m not talking about a beautiful, polished work of art. I just need something that gives me some spacial context and that will be acceptable in a customer presentation. Most frequently I need to see points on a map… sometimes lots of them.If you Google ‘plot points on a map’ … [Read more…]

Udacity’s Secret Ingredient: Positivity, Support and Encouragement

Last week, I finished the 6 course Data Analyst Nanodegree offered by Sabastian Thrun’s Udacity Inc. Even with an above average number of academic credentials behind me, I will venture to say that this was the best educational endeavor I’ve been through yet. When I worked through my undergrad and graduate degrees in economics, I … [Read more…]

A Look at Election Campaign Contributions with R

The state of Florida, every four years, is a definitive swing state in the US Presidential election. Since 1996 – 5 election cycles ago – the candidate that captured Florida’s electoral votes became the next US President. Assuming a strong correlation between campaign contributions and election results and having perfect hindsight of knowing the 2012 Presidential election … [Read more…]

Fixing Excel’s Sci Not Faux Pas with R

Encountered what I think is a pretty common excel problem at work today. A colleague showed me an excel spreadsheet that was reading warehouse locations as scientific notation. For example, location 05E03 was being read into excel as 5.00E+03 and if you tried to edit the cell or convert it to text, you’d be given … [Read more…]

Predicting Fuel Economy for 1974 Automobiles

Based on the infamous mtcars dataset, I used a stepwise selection process to generate a predictive model of fuel economy for 1974 automobiles*. My entire process was done primarily in R and can be found here on rPubs. In short, the model uses a car’s weight and 1/4-mile time to predict mpg’s. At the same … [Read more…]